The Four stages of Chrysalis Emergence
:: Opening Ceremony ::
We will sit Heart to Heart
in silence as we commune with Grandmother Cacao.
Madrecita Cacao ignites the fire within your heart, crackling it’s inner whispers.
We will listen, allowing the voice of your heart to call forth the flower essences that will create your unique healing chrysalis.
:: HEART :: WOMB ::
we will braid a cloth, that will spiral your intentions::prayers
Entering the chrysalis
Here I will facilitate Healing Touch as you rest softly in the embrace of your plant allies, releasing any tension that may be held in the body, mind, and spirit.
:: Limpia ::
In reverence and gratitude to my Amazonian Maestras, we will be supported by healing stones.
These ancient stones will absorb stagnant energies that may be held in the body. These unsupportive energies will be swept away through herbs or cleansing smoke.
:: Weaving a Golden Chrysalis ::
Prayerfully calling in your Ancestors, I will begin the weaving of your chrysalis by embracing you in white cotton linens and covering your eyes.
Resting in the fertile void
Reflection :: Acceptance :: Release
Together we will embark on a Shamanic journey, through sound.
Embodying the archetype of the Cicada, you will travel inward to integrate and re-write stories of your past, that prevent your evolution.
This is where you surrender to the mystery.
:: Rite of Passage ::
Gently returning your Spirit to your Physical body,
I will guide you as you emerge from your Golden Chrysalis!
:: Closing Ceremony ::
We will sit Heart to Heart
creating a space for reflection, celebration, and gratitude to the unseen realms.
This time will guide the weaving of your integration practices.
You will then fly towards the next chapters of your life, a reborn and embodied presence!
Medicine story
The weaving of this profound ceremony was inspired by the 7 cicadas that emerged from the depths of the fertile soil of our Mother Earth.
I was guided to nest our healing temple in-between two Ancient Elder Tree’s in the Healing Village of Spirt Weaver’s. As I raised the bell tent, I whispered my prayers and intentions of being of service.
I surrendered to the mystery fully, allowing myself to be an open vessel for the Spirit of Healing to move through me. Each day before a session a cicada would emerge to greet me sharing profound wisdom and blessings.
Through this surrender I was guided to bind the womb with an 11 foot cloth that was gifted to me. Then I heard the whispers of flowers essences. Placing drops along the meridians and then applying acupressure.
The rest was a mystery for each heart that surrendered to their unique journey.
After every session I sat with the cicadas and ancestors, remaining in awe of the beauty and mystery of Healing.
I cried with so much joy to witness the blessings of fully surrendering.
In awe of how radiant each woman looked and felt after their session.
Seremein ( thank you ) to all the hearts that were guided to my heart woven offerings.
Because of your trust and surrender my offerings have evolved ~ I have evolved ~ you have evolved !
Our Mother regenerates as we evolve !
I honor you for allowing yourself to be seen, heard and held.
I honor you all for journeying into the fertile darkness, emerging out of your cocoons shedding all the old stories , beliefs, patterns that didn’t serve you.
II honor you gifting yourself to the opportunity to rest, be held and deepen your connection to yourself, the earth and your path.
with love, Esmeralda