Guided by the gentle whispers of our earth mother, ancestors, dreams, plancestors and the heart of the seasons.

Blessings, dear soul, my name is Esmeralda Rose, born amidst the blossoming spring, I trace my lineage through a spiral of African and Kalinago-Taino, Caribbean-Arawak origins. My unwavering love and devotion to our Earth Mother and my Ancestors, I serve as a bridge between the tangible world and the realms unseen, sharing medicine and magic from my heart.

Within the heart temple—the sacred sanctuary of love—I hold space for healing and magic to blossom. From my earliest days, I danced with the unseen realms, guided by the gentle whispers of Grandmother Moon, the wisdom of the dream cavern, and the spirits of plants, animals, and minerals.

Amidst the shadows of my upbringing, I found solace and strength in the embrace of these ancient allies. In my teenage years, death's shadow drew near, yet the healing embrace of the plants (Eucalyptus and Rose) pulled me back from the brink, cradling me through 13 moon cycles of restoration. This renewed my love for plants and for this waking life. The following years I retreated to the redwoods, devoted myself to healing the wounds etched upon my heart, recognizing that the tapestry of shadows and light within me was destined to lead me on a path of remembrance and service—to the Spirit of Healing, to the Sacred Feminine, and the weaving of my medicine basket.

"Behold the tale of a bird uncertain of its fate as Father Sun bids farewell each night. Yet, with each dawn, it rises anew, its heart overflowing with boundless gratitude, offering a symphony of thanks in the form of the most exquisite song.

Esmeralda, enamored by the winged creatures of the sky (as she is one herself), finds herself deeply moved by this bird's humble resilience. Each morning, she too greets the day with profound gratitude for the gift of life, embracing the tender union of Father Sun and Grandmother Moon in the early hours. Their gentle caress fills her womb with love, infusing her first sip of water with prayers of gratitude.

Drawing upon the wisdom of her ancestors and the whispers of Grandfather Wind, she breathes life into new melodies. Throughout the day, she gracefully weaves between prayer, study, integration, and the crafting of mystical potions, ceremonial tools, medicine and adornments. And when her spirit yearns for communion, she flutters away to be one with the earth and all living beings.

Through the lens of this faerie, every dawn is a sacred gift, every moment an opportunity for ceremony and reverence. Her unwavering love and devotion to our Earth Mother radiates from her very being, felt by all who encounter her presence.

"Every day," she softly whispers, "is a blessing — an opportunity to open our heart to the Great Mystery and Magic." and in her words, the essence of her enchanting spirit echoes through the winds, leaving traces of wonder in its wake."


It is a true blessing to be walk the path of heart together. For 7 years I have been holding sacred space for hearts to heal and bloom. Here are a few different ways we can work together.

  • I am often asked questions that lead to immersive experiences. If you have been wondering how to reconnect to Spirit - your ancestors - plants and more. Send a love letter with your hearts questions to

  • Glimpse over our "Nurture" page to witness our vast offerings or schedule a 15 minute council call to harmonize a session for you.

  • Join our monthly immersions through our " Floreciendo" portal. We come together every month with a different flower essence.