pronounced ( reet—mohs — sah — grah — dos )



    Discover the enchanting cadence of Ritmos Sagrados, where our healing sessions, ceremonies, and botanica offerings gracefully synchronize with the sacred rhythms of Earth Mother, the ebb and flow of the Seasons heart, and the celestial whispers of lunar cycles, enveloping you in a journey of profound healing and transformation.


    Rooted in ancestral wisdom, we offer transformative healing experiences that honor ancient traditions. With reverence for our heritage, we infuse each offering with the sacred essence of our ancestors, guiding individuals on a journey of remembrance, reconnection, and profound healing. Our intention is to preserve and share this wisdom, empowering individuals to tap into their innate healing potential and spiritual alignment.


    a bridge into the unseen realm, where magic blossoms, and the ethereal breath of mystical life surrounds you, renewing your spirit and revitalizing your connection to the enchanting wonders of the universe.

Inspired by the Earth’s sacred rhythms.

In the quiet moments of dawn, when grandfather sun gently kisses the heart of our mother earth , I find myself in awe of the Earth’s sacred rhythms. There is a profound beauty in the way she moves, a symphony of life that unfolds with each sunrise and sunset.

The Earth’s sacred rhythms are everywhere: in the ebb and flow of the tides, the changing seasons, and the cycles of life that bind us all. Each beat, each pulse, tells a story of resilience and renewal. I am captivated by how the Earth’s transitions mirror our own inner rhythms. Just as the Earth moves through spring’s renewal, summer’s vibrancy, autumn’s reflection, and winter’s rest, we too experience our own cycles of growth, energy, contemplation, and rest.

Ritmos Sagrados, is an extension of my devotion is to assist others in recognizing and harmonizing with these natural cycles. During spring, when the world awakens, I offer guidance and healing sessions that inspire creativity and new beginnings. In the vibrant energy of summer, my work supports clients in embracing their passions and fully engaging with their life's journey. As autumn arrives, I provide counsel and guidebooks that encourage reflection and gratitude, helping individuals take stock of their efforts. In the stillness of winter, my herbal medicine and magic offer solace and rejuvenation, allowing for deep rest and introspection.

I cherish the opportunity to help others find alignment with their inner rhythms and the Earth’s natural cycles. Whether through a healing session, a thoughtful guidebook, or 1:1 mentorship, my goal is to facilitate a deeper connection with oneself and the world. Each moment in nature, each interaction with clients, reminds me of the profound interconnectedness of all things. To assist others in this sacred dance is to honor both their personal rhythms and the Earth’s timeless cycles.

My love for the sacred rhythms and my commitment to supporting others are intertwined. I strive to offer tools and wisdom that help people embrace their own cycles in harmony with the natural world. Together, we celebrate the preciousness of this existence and find joy in living in tune with the sacred dance of nature and our inner rhythms.