Experience the Ancient Art of Limpias Healing
Step into the realm of ancient healing with limpias, a sacred practice passed down through generations of our ancestors. Our limpia sessions offer a profound journey of renewal, purification, and revitalization through various elemental forms:
Fire Limpias: Embrace transformation and renewal as the flames ignite your spirit and illuminate your path forward.
Water Limpias: Immerse yourself in cleansing waters, experiencing rebirth and washing away that which no longer serves you.
Barridas (Sweeping): Feel the gentle sweep of energy purifying your being, revitalizing your essence, and restoring balance within.
Before our session, we will connect heart to heart, allowing your inner voice to guide us. Together, we will uncover the most supportive form of limpia tailored to your unique journey.
Are you ready to embark on a transformative experience of healing and renewal?
To reserve your session, purchase down below. You will receive an email to confirm date and time.
Sound vibration is intricately connected with human consciousness and the innate spiritual side of being human.It influences the mind and emotions, it is known to alter the life force of a person, with its ability to heal.
Vibrational Medicine is the use of sacred instruments basking your energetic body with healing vibrations.Restoring balance and harmony to your spirit, mind, physical and energetic body allowing you to return to your sacred rhythm.
“If we accept that sound is vibration and we know that vibration touches every part of our physical being, then we understand that sound is heard not only through our ears but through every cell in our bodies.”
-Integrative Oncologist Dr Mitchell Gayno
I am now offering Private Community Sound Baths for a group of 10 max.
This session is available remotely.
The relation between flowers and sound is an enchanting and profound connection. Together they move through our mind, body and spirit.
Flower essences are vibrational remedies that are used to release limiting patterns, old stories/thoughts, perspectives, helping us to recognize and attune to the rhythms of harmony and joy.
Before we begin our session, we will sit heart:to:heart in council, your heart whispers will guide the emergence of the flower that can assist you.
To be held in a nurturing regenerative way, weaving eastern and western modalities, applying a soft deep healing touch with herbal + stone infused oils.
Attuned with the seasons, elements and plant and stone companions, you will feel the embrace of our Earth Mother.
Healing touch not only provides relaxation, healing to physical discomforts but also provides healing to your emotional and energetic body.
Our muscles hold memory.
Healing Touch is an opportunity to surrender to being held and supported. An opportunity to release stagnation that has been held in your body.
Blessings you with feeling at home in your body again.
There is an energetic cord that originates at your womb - stomach- center. Overtime as we deepen our relation to our loved ones, our energetic chords become deeply interwoven.
In our relations all that you have shared with each other, from joy, sadness, discussions etc is being held in this cord.
A cord cutting isn’t only for a relation that you have lost but one that you feel like needs renewal and clearing.
If your heart is still grieving a relation you had to let go, a cord cutting ceremony will free you energetically, support you in releasing this relation more fully.
A cord cutting ceremony will take place in nature, preferably a place in nature that you visit often. We will sit in council with IxCacao. We will ask a tree for their loving support and from there it is a mystery that we will navigate together.
Your life is a precious gift.
It is known that on your solar return, the day in which Father Sun returns to the exact position he was in when you were born..the veil becomes thin.
When we gift ourselves the opportunity to be in ceremony on this day, profound mystical blessings bloom before us.
I am grateful to create a sacred space in which you can be held, seen, heard and celebrated for all the growth you have experienced in your previous cycle.
Every Solar Return Ceremony, is attuned to your unique spirit. We will meet heart to heart over a video call to explore what your heart desires.
This could be a 1:1 ceremony or it can be shared with your loved ones.
A glimpse into a solar return ceremony ~
— Weaving an earth altar to hold your intentions and prayer for your next cycle.
— Sitting in Council with Cacao, opening sacred space for your heart to whisper its dreams and intentions.
If your community is a part of the ceremony, I will invite them to share their heart whispers ~ love for you and invite them to uplift your intentions.
— Limpia & Blessing
— Sound bath journey with flower essences or a microdose of medicine.
— Closing ceremony, writing the whispers of your heart and placing them on the earth altar.
As the wheel of the season turns, so to does our inner wheel.
Each season is harmony with an element, direction, archetype and so much more.
At this moment we are in a transitional phase of Winter to Spring.
Winter is in relation with North, Earth, Crone , a time of resting and releasing. Spring is in relation with the East, Air, Maiden, a time of midwifing our rebirth.
This session provides a space to reflect on what emerged from the fertile darkness of Winter, an opportuity to shed your winter skin, anything that may hold you back from blooming fully.
We will begin by sitting in council with a ceremonial cup of cacao,
Through the whispers of your heart we will cleanse away all that no longer serves you,
Invite your mind, body and spirit to receive the healing blessings of flowers through flower essence acupressure. Moving any stagnation being held in both the physical and energetic body.
Then gently moving into regenerative healing touch.
Closing our sessions at the altar of your heart, sealing your intentions and prayers.
This is but only a glimpse into what this session may hold, each sessions is a beautiful mystery that is always a gift to witness.
Platicas are an ancient form of healing.
In curanderismo when we allow our hearts to speak we are freeing ourselves, we are allowing energy to move out of our hearts temple, out of our bodies.
We will receive support from herbal companions that wish to support you in speaking from your heart, allowing you to speak honestly of what lys in the depths of your heart.
The medicine of speaking our hearts truth out loud is profound and transformative.
I remain in awe as I witness each heart I have held this space for right away return to their sacred rhythm the following day after our Platica or even receive messages from them the same day of everything that is aligning/manifesting before them.
Our words, thoughts, emotions hold individual vibrations that ripples within and outside of us. So if you visualize negative thoughts and emotions in the body, the longer the nest in your body the more dense they become at that stage it is occupying spaces in your body that can lead to illness or manifest in other unfortunate ways.
For those who would like to transition out of traditional council to an ancient way of council.
To be listened to from the heart, without judgement simply loving presence.
To come together heart to heart in ceremony.
Reserve your complimentary call
This ceremony can be remote or in person.
For remote session, for an additional fee you can receive a package that will have ceremonials tools to prepare a sacred space for our Platica. This is optional as you may likely have a candle, cleansing smoke and herbs to make a potion.
Platicas are an ancient form of healing.
In Curanderismo when we allow our hearts to speak we are freeing ourselves, we are allowing energy to move out of our hearts temple, out of our bodies.
We will receive support from herbal companions that wish to support you in speaking from your heart, allowing you to speak honestly of what lys in the depths of your heart.
The medicine of speaking our hearts truth out loud is profound and transformative.
I remain in awe as I witness each heart I have held this space for right away return to their sacred rhythm the following day after our Platica or even receive messages from them the same day of everything that is aligning/manifesting before them.
Our words, thoughts, emotions hold individual vibrations that ripples within and outside of us. So if you visualize negative thoughts and emotions in the body, the longer the nest in your body the more dense they become at that stage it is occupying spaces in your body that can lead to illness or manifest in other unfortunate ways.
For those who would like to transition out of traditional council to an ancient way of council.
To be listened to from the heart, without judgement simply loving presence.
To come together heart to heart in ceremony.
This ceremony can be remote or in person.
For remote session you will receive a package that will have ceremonials tools to prepare a sacred space for our Platica.
Limpias are an ancient form of healing for my ancestors.
There are many forms of limpias, from our platica I will be guided to what specific limpia will be supportive for you.
From Fire Limpias :: Transformation and Renewal
Water Limpias :: Cleansing and Rebirth
Barridas | Sweeping :: Purification and Revitalization
Sacred Space :: Renewing, Creating , Bringing life to your Sacred Space.
After your limpia we will come together heart to heart for hands on healing.
I will be focusing on the meridians that support your womb and pelvic area by flower essence accupresure.
Following by weaving prayers around your womb, with an 11 foot cotton cloth.
You will then go through a shamanic journey and the rest is a mystery that we will discover when we come together.
You will take home with you our Medicine of Reclaimation, we will cocreate devotional practices that will support you.
Whispers from Ocotillo :
Journey in an upward spiral from my roots deep within the dry desert soil.
The extension of my womb journey upwards through my serpent like arms, where my heart opens softly through luscious green leaves that cloak my thorns.
Blooming red sensual flowers that bridge the heavens and the earth.
I am Ocotillo, a sister here to support you in reclaiming your power, your beauty, sensuality, set forth boundaries from a place of love.
Here to teach you how to move what has remained stagnant. Here to empower you and embrace you fully, so you may become authentic embodiment of your divinity.
Stand your ground, speak your truth and take up space lovingly.
An intuitively woven healing session attuned to your heart and healing journey from my medicine basket.
The Medicine baskets allows there to be space to weave our session together, allowing it to be woven as we move through our time together.
There is a vastness to the possibilities of these sessions,
I invite you to look through all of my offerings, as the Medicine Basket can offer all of them in one session.
Heart to Heart

With pure love and devotion to the Spirit of Healing and your healing journey. Immigrants, BIPOC, LGBTQ+communities. Send me a note to apply for community support cost.