You can also RSVP by sending payment via venmo ~ $65
Sweet Blessings Dear Ones,
Hearing the whispers of our loving community, I am grateful to announce our first lunar rhythms ceremony of this year !
I am so grateful for the previous ceremonies held at The Moon Sanctuary, nestled in Atwater Village.
This is an opportunity to come together in community, connect heart to heart, receive the blessings of madrecita cacao and bath our mind, body and spirit in healing vibrations as well as our Grandmother Moon blessings ~ clearing away what no longer serves us ~ opening our hearts to receive the blessing available to us.
After we harmonize our sacred rhythms we will light the altar of our hearts together in circle, gifting ourselves a moment to write our intentions for the next moon cycle, we will then weave a magical potion that we can either bathe/drink ourselves the following day after it has been infused by the new moon and our intentions.
I look forward to sitting in circle with you!
with love and gratitude, Esmeralda.
I encourage you to find a local spring and fill a 24 oz jar with this sacred water for our ritual portion of our ceremony.