to Mar 20

Spring Equinox


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Winter Rhythms

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Into the Womb
to May 28

Into the Womb

The Womb is the energetic center where we connect to our creative power and our intuition. It is our connection to the Earth Mother and Cosmic Mother; a place where the Divine Feminine resides. This sacred space embraces ALL experiences, holds the energetic signatures of our ancestors, and holds every imprint of our emotions, including joy, pleasure, trauma and our deepest grief. When we do not fully express, explore and release these emotions, we lose part of our Self. Our connection to our life force and to the creative power of our Womb diminishes and becomes blocked. 

“Into the Womb” Day Retreat is a full day retreat in the wilderness of Ojai to honor and explore your connection to your womb space, reawaken and remember ancestral wisdom, and release energetic imprints that are no longer serving you. Together we will work on reawakening the Womb and helping her “remember” her soul purpose while reactivating our connection to the Universal Womb and Source of all creation. We will be communing with the sacred medicine of Ix Cacao and Teonanacatl, with the intention of going deep into our hearts and wombs as we weave our prayers. 


Opening Ceremony: Lighting of the Sacred Fire.

IxCacao and Teonanacatl Ceremony: Weaving Our Prayers and Intentions.

Womb Wisdom Share: Understanding Our Cyclical Nature.

Into the Womb Healing Journey: A Healing Ritual and Energetic Transmission.

Womb Vision Boarding: Embracing your creative power.

The Rite of the Womb: An energetic transmission from a lineage of women from the Amazonian Jungles.

Yoni Steam & Sound Bath Under the Stars 

Rebirthing Ceremony

Closing Ceremony

This work is empowering for all womb carriers and of special importance to those that have suffered trauma, sexual abuse, experienced miscarriage and/or abortion, hysterectomy and anyone that is feeling disempowered or disconnected from their true nature.

When we heal the Womb, we heal ourselves; as we heal ourselves the planet heals.

We will be held by the sacred waters of Chumash Land. There will be several opportunities to commune with these sacred waters, which is spring water! Camping location will be sent upon reservation.

Portal Opens Saturday May 27th at 11am and closes Sunday, May 28th at 11am. 

Facilitated by Madre Jaguar, Esmeralda Zeledon & Rita Oliveira

Energy Exchange: $444 ($222 to reserve your spot)

Includes Camping Fee, 2 meals (Dinner and Breakfast), and all Activities.

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Hot Spring Plant Walk + Flower Alchemy

Hot Spring Plant Walk + Flower Alchemy

Sliding Scale reservation : $111-$144 ~ venmo @esmeraldaa

A pilgrimage to where the desert meets the mountain.

and the hot spring waters sing.

An invitation to all faeries !

Join us where the desert meets the mountain and the hot spring waters sing.

We will gather in Apple Valley to embark on a plant walk pilgrimage to our sacred local hot springs.

Along the way we will meet various plant kin, learn about their healing properties and create a group flower essence.

Skills we will practice include ethical wildcrafting, plant communication, group channeling, essence making and harmonizing with the flowers.

We will enjoy a mystical picnic, rest and regenerate in the hot springs and adjacent river.


Prepare to walk 3 miles in and 3 miles out.

Camping is optional for additional $10.

We will be in the wilderness so be prepared to pee in nature.

This is sacred land- the location will be shared upon reservation 

You will receive further details upon reservation. 

Look forward to guiding you to this sacred ceremonial portal.

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Altars as an Extension of our Heart

Altars as an Extension of our Heart

Altars as an extension of our heart

Altars are an ancient, ancestral and ceremonial way of being in relation. Altars are a sanctuary where we can whispers words of love and gratitude. A space in which we can place our offerings as well as our prayers.

I perceive altars as a bridge, that connects us to our unseen council, the Great Mystery, the Spirit of the land that holds us and so much more! I have also witnessed how our altar are a reflection of ourselves, how often we are showing up for ourselves and more.

This is an invitation to come together in circle to learn how to weave an altar as an extension of our heart.

This is an opportunity to deepen your relation to yourself, your ancestors and the land that holds you. You will learn the foundations of altars, offerings and how to tend to the agreement we make when weaving an altar. My heart flutters with joy to visualize the moment in which we all wonder into the forest to weave our own altars upon the earth.

We will begin with an opening ceremony with a cup of cacao, a heart centering meditation.

Reserve your space in our circle : Venmo $44.44 @esmeraldaa

If you would like to receive Light the Altar of your Heart + Presencia anointing oil : Venmo $88.88.

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