philosophy of flower essences

What are Flower Essences ?

Flower essences are the energetic imprint of a flower at the peak of their bloom.

How are Flower Essences made ?

First we begin by asking a flower for permission. I know this may seem foreign to some of you. We will learn how to listen to the whispers of flowers throughout our monthly immersions.

Flower essences are made by floating their blooms in purified water under our Grandfather Sun rays. The water element then becomes a carrier of the flowers energetic imprint. It is then preserved with alcohol or other preservatives. Then theres a process of diluting into specific ratios for dosages.

How do Flower Essences support us ?

Flower essences are vibrational remedies that are used to release limiting patterns, old stories/thoughts, perspectives, helping us to recognize and attune to the rhythms of harmony and joy.

The Philosophy of Flower Essences

Flower essences are predicated on the belief that we as individuals, are multidimensional. We are emotional being, yet physical, energetic and spiritual. We must cultivate a connection/communication with all layers of our being to maintain a happy, healthy, joyous fulfilled life upon Earth. When we ignore parts of ourselves it leads to unhappiness, discordance and imbalances within ourselves. Flower essences help to transform the intrusive negative thought patterns that hinder communication with all layers of our being. By transforming these mental and emotional ruts, flower essences help cleanse the “pyscho-toxins” of negativity out of our spiritual metabolism reestablish the resonance of our inner voice.

Why Flowers?

Essences can be made from any energetic being upon the Earth. Flowers hold a very special and particularly potent healing energy. When a flower reaches its bloom, it has fulfilled its life path, becoming the energetic blueprint of its destiny, which then they are ready to share their blessings and return them to the earth. Flowers want us to realize the potential bloom of our lifetime ! They will help us in recognizing and dismantle blockages to our natural unfurling. In flower essence theory, inner blockages are caused by negative beliefs or programs that limit our growth potential and prevent us from experiencing the true reality of our being. Flower essences help us become aware of these beliefs and begin to release them from their service in our lives as they always tend to be a protective mechanism.


Super full moon in Aquarius
